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Concept Office manual?

After the training, you will receive a general manual in which you can consult the basic operations so that you can start setting up the system. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive manual.


A manual in which all steps are described also requires that all processes are included. As these processes are different for each of our customers, it is not possible for us to include all these steps in the form of a manual. Should you encounter any problems, we kindly ask you to submit these questions via the Support Centre.

*You will need support credit for process related questions regarding Concept Office functionality!

Personal training

In case you have multiple questions, it is possible to follow a tailor-made training course. Your questions will then be handled by one of our consultants. This can be done online, at EasternGraphics or at your location. This method is very effective and fully fits your needs. Please contact us for more information.

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