Here you can find all manuals for pCon.planner.
Activation of a pCon.planner PRO named user license. In this manual you will find information about: 1. Licenses 2, Assigment of the license 2.1 User groups 2.2 Add users to a User's group 2.3. Assig...
Below you will find the steps for installing pCon.planner PRO and the pCon.update DataClient. Install pCon.planner PRO. The setup can be found here. Activate the pCon.planner PRO license in th...
Activating a pCon.planner PRO single user license Transferring a pCon.planner PRO single user license to a new computer Deactivation of a pCon.planner PRO single user license for updates Managing pCon...
Activating a pCon.planner PRO network license. Managing a pCon.planner PRO network license. Transferring a pCon.planner PRO network license to a new server. Troubleshooting....
When installing the latest Windows 10 2004 update from Microsoft, problems may occur if an older Safenet driver is installed (versions prior to 7.100). In the documents below you can find a PDF docume...
Occassionaly it may occur that after a pCon.planner update the Safenet License Manager has disappeared. During the startup of pCon.planner one of the following messages can appear: Feature not found (...
In most cases, this error message appears due to a missing Microsoft Windows component (VC Redist). The setup of pCon.planner contains this component but in some cases, it is not installed automatical...
In the Sales Matrix you will find an overview of the differences between pCon.planner Standard (STD), Marketing Edition (ME) and PRO....